Recent Replies

Replying to: @alexink

@alexink Have you been there? Visited Berlin recently. Had a great time.

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@jthingelstad that’s a nice style

Replying to: @alexink

@alexink I would love to go to Canada. My parents once told me I am made in Canada haha

Replying to: @odd

@odd Det är någonting med den här tiden på året för mig. Jag blir alltid lite nostalgisk i början på sommaren.

Replying to: @alexink

@alexink the same here. I’ve always been thinking I would like Canada and I’m sure I would. Feels like there are things in common, and not just the wheather.

Replying to: @alexink

@alexink thank you. This is the best time being in Sweden

Replying to: @alexink

@alexink that’s so true, I go for walks or runs all the time

Replying to: @miguelmanalo

@miguelmanalo never heard. Will give them a try.

Replying to: @odd

@odd tids nog blir det lite ledigt. Hoppas allergin är under kontroll.

Replying to: @odd

@odd fantastiskt att det är vår och sol men så sjukt mycket att göra.

@miguelmanalo that was a while. Sounds great. What band is your favourite?

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@mandaris I recognise that feeling. I started to get up earlier in the morning so I could get a window of time before my ordinary day starts.

Replying to: @lmika

@lmika Well Done

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@manton that’s a looong train

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@jthingelstad beautiful

Replying to: @ner3y

@ner3y Glad to hear you liked your stay over here. Nothing wrong with the translation!

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@ndreas "The world's largest company, Apple, was forced in recent days to distance itself from its own advertisement. The film, intended to launch the company's new iPad, has achieved the impossible.

It has united people on the internet.

Everyone thinks the film is crap."

Replying to: @jedda

@jedda I find this subject interesting. I want to keep work life and my personal life separate as well, and that’s why I am thinking about people from work reading my posts. Worlds are getting mixed all the time. I try to be precautious. Maybe too precautious, because the things I’m holding back are my true feelings.

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@jedda I liked reading your post. I also have set up boundaries for my own blogging. I picture my boss or a person at work reading my posts. If it would feel bad or embarrassing in some way, well I don’t publish.

But I don’t really like holding back like that. I would like to be more open and sharing more private stuff online, for now it will have to wait. I try to be personal but not that private.

Replying to: @Annie

@Annie funny, yes 😀