Recent Replies

Replying to: @crossingthethreshold

@crossingthethreshold I just tried your shortcut. Working just fine. I installed Tot just recently and think I might use this as a go to app when posting here (except for replies). Is it possible to insert a photo via the shortcut?

Question 2. Dot 1 contains the post that are published throw the shortcut. Is it possible to do averything, even the writing, in the shortcut?

Replying to: @thomasrost

@thomasrost ett gott tips

Replying to: @Munish

@Munish thanks!

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@jemostrom önskar dig trevlig resa

Replying to: @odd

@odd I would say both

Replying to: @ndreas

@ndreas @help solved this

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@maique congratulations to the win. Sweden is not game this year so I go for Denmark.

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Replying to: @ndreas

@ndreas @help This is the message

@help Hello, I get this message when I’m trying to activate cross posting to Threads.

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@manton I want to be a tester. My username on Threads: @ajennische

Replying to: @Denny

@Denny fantastic

Replying to: @darby3

@darby3 wow. Be grateful.

Replying to: @odd

@odd they are. I use them mostly for laundry.

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@MrHenko well…

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@robertbrook where is that?

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@jedda I’m sorry for your losses.

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@ner3y good job

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@withers ”A bidet is a bathroom fixture used especially for bathing the external genitals and the anal region. It's typically a small, low bath where a person can wash these areas. Although bidets are more common in some cultures than others, they offer an alternative to using toilet paper or other methods for personal hygiene.”

Replying to: @alexink

@alexink I see. I haven’t been there more than a couple of days but I really like it.